[2022] R25 Cowboys v Panthers - Game Day Thread

Looks like the answer is yes, with virtually NSW Cup side playing the Cowboys. Remarkable that there are only 3 debutants.

Good to see Falls back in the halves :slight_smile:

Probably overly optimistic, but I don’t see why we can’t win. Do we consider the Cowboys toast after they lose?


:mega: Team Lists and Match Officials have been updated.




Wonder if Ivan will bother making the trip, may as well just throw the keys to Wall

Kind of like how “new combinations” is not an excuse for any lapses in attack or defence. Hard to argue that when you’re basically playing the entire NSW Cup side.

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while it would be a nice sentiment, Wal still has a NSW Cup Qualifying final to prepare for, which oddly is missing a few players.

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Then let Jono Rolfe look after the NSW side and the SG Ball coach can look after the Jersey Flegg team. :grinning:

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The Jennings and Crighton defense is going as good as can be expected

I wasn’t expecting much from this game, and so far it has fallen short of my expectations. We are making an effort, but execution just isn’t there.

On a side note: the bunker can call offside, knock on, etc, but can’t call obviously forward passes. They have scored twice with forward passes, which is blowing out the score, not to mention the forward passes which haven’t led to tries. :rage::rage::rage:


the only thing to come out of that half was the news we are looking to swap Staines for Peachey…i nearly threw up when i heard that.

I am the harshest critic of Staines but surely not for Peachey.

That suggests they are desperate to get rid of him.

Maybe we could throw in Jennings and Crichton as a package deal.

On the game itself…Sorenson looks really out of sorts

This is a game where the result is not in doubt, the only doubt which should come out of this game is throwing your effort and game up in front of Ivan so you may challenge for a spot in the 17

so far i haven’t seen it from anyone.

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I believe Jennings and Crighton are already signed elsewhere next year - Tigers and Dolphins from memory.

Sorensen does look out of sorts…

On a bright note, I thought Lindsay was fantastic. Makes me wonder if he is ahead of Eisenhuth and /or Spencer…

How big is Eddie Blacker! Would love to see more of him.

Kenny doesn’t need to look over his shoulder next year.

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i sort of understand why Ivan rested so many but boy has he put pressure on our squad to turn up next week and give it to the Eels

Not sure what this game has done for any of the kids coming through.

anyway it is what it is, focus is now on next week

On the Eels, i think they played their GF on Thursday and they lost the second half against a team who very very unMelbourne like and Munster must have had a fortune on the Eels to win.

They will be in it though and will be match fit and match hard…same cannot be said for our team.

Maybe thats the Cleary master stroke…next week will reveal all.

A better effort in the second half, but most of our players were obviously out of their depth tonight. Loved Blacker’s chase at the end.

Hopefully Cleary’s gamble will pay off over the next 4 weeks.

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Well that game was worth it - for that final “Sattler like” tackle by Blacker!

That sin bin was ridiculous - a player can’t defeat gravity nor Newtons laws of physics.

Credit to the Cowboys, they kept their heads and brought their A-game. However I also thought that our NSW cup team on display would of beaten 50% of the NRL teams. We maybe if we change out our Right side.

Cole looked like something special with his cameo appearance. I hope we have him locked up.

Now onwards to the real game next weekend. As I said at half time, I think Lindsay Smith gives Ivan something to think about with our bench makeup.

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:mega: Panther Pride Man of the Match voting is now open here.

:rugby_football: Knock On Effect NSW Cup Qulaifying Final | Full Time

Penrith Panthers 22 Tries Logan Cohen (2), Isaiya Katoa, Samuel Lane.
Goals Niwhai Puru (3/4)
North Sydney Bears 14 Tries Joshua Wong, Kieran Hayman, Adam Keighran.
Goals Adam Keighran (1/3)


:rugby_football: Jersey Flegg Cup Qulaifying Final | Full Time

Penrith Panthers 16 Tries Cody Lawson (2), Zac Lipowicz, Elone Taufa.
Goals Keagan Russell-Smith (0/4)
Newcastle Knights 22 Tries Oryn Keeley, Fletcher Sharpe, James Johnson, Paul Bryan.
Goals Thomas Cant (2/3), Oryn Keeley (1/1)


I know there was a lot of conjecture over the merits of sitting the side out for last night, but I think that the decision was a correct one. There would be no upside to running out the #1 team, only a lot of possible downsides.
I for one, would not have wanted to risk the possibility of injuries and the inconsistencies of the refs/bunker/review committee/judiciary leaving us players short for the job ahead.
I thought the boys tried hard, didn’t have much luck & lost to a better team. I suggest on last night’s form, our team could have beaten a couple of current NRL teams. A win in Cup with the backup players is a good pointer for the Cup team over the coming weeks.
Significant for our NRL aspirations, was that Kenny was good & Sorenson (perhaps trying too hard) & Eisenhouth were not so good. Not likely to see any of the others, except maybe Smith, in the running for the finals.
Future looks bright for the Panthers.

Watching the other games, if we play close to our best we should give this a hell of a good shake. There is no team we cannot beat, and with an even share of the calls & a bit of luck we can certainly do this.


Agreed @mrwalker

After rewatching last years GF a few times, I noticed how gassed we were in the back end of the game after taking the long road. Giving our best players time to rest up & get over minor niggles is probably a good thing. Not to mention eliminating the referees/judiciary possibly hurting us.


Last year we had a host of walking wounded contesting the finals. Not so this year. Quietly confident.


Personally, despite the scoreline, I was pretty happy with what I saw. The NSW Cup side did very well, and I feel that if they fielded a team in the NRL would settle in the upper half of the bottom 8, which would be rather good considering the skills gap between grades.

It bodes well for the future of our club, with quality players in development and it shows the approach to our clubs pathway systems are working.

What also deserves a mention are the two lower grades this week. The Jersey Flegg team that played the NSW Cup final against the third placed Bears put on quite a hard fought match. They have placed the NSW Cups side well, and if the team that played the Cowboys play the way they did, I can see them taking out the whole thing.

The Jersey Flegg side, made up of a mix of Ron Massey Cup, Sydney Shield and SG Ball players lost to the Knights, but matched them in tries, only goal kicking (in terrible weather) being the difference.

The Coaching Staff of all grades and development pathways should be commended for their efforts, the club benefits from the fruits they have cultivated.


For those who missed the lower grades this week here are the links to the replays.



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