[2023] R2 Panthers v Rabbitohs - Game Day Thread

Injury Update

Scott Sorensen

Suffered concussion in last weeks match with the Broncos. Has not been cleared to play this week and will work through he concussion protocol. Return: Round 4

Taylan May

Suffered a complete ACL rupture in the match against St Helens. Knee surgery has been complete and he is currently in the early stage post operation physiotherepy. Return: Out for Season

Eddie Blacker

Managing a calf injury. Fully recovered, thought performance team has decided to rest Eddie until Round 4 so he can get more full contact training. Return: Round 4

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boy is this some sort of game.

exclude the matchups, exclude that we have bashed up Souths previously , most if not all Panther fans will be looking to our side and how we respond to last weeks loss.

Our boys could take the easy way out and just go through the motions or show to everyone they are a real contender again this year.

sure 1 loss is nothing to be concerned about but for me its about how we lost with what appeared to be less energy in attack and lack of attacking options.

Souths on the other hand looked good against last years finalists in the Sharks and the week before against a hapless Dragons

They will be here to play and i am sure their coach has taken some lessons from the Broncos and St Helens tactics.

This is also a big test for IC…he needed to get inside their heads this week.

Should again be a beauty.

Panthers by 7

Easily our best half of the season so far. Very solid across the park & possibly unlucky not to be further ahead.

Defence has been good. Both tries came off pieces of brilliance from our spine. Garner starting to show some promise.

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Much improved performance, and a solid win against a quality side.


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Whipped up this one to add to the pile.


:mega: Panther Pride Man of the Match voting is now open here.

what a win and this was a win against a quality side who will trouble all teams in the NRL this year

Our boys responded in only the way a high quality team could and they delivered in spades.

We played with aggression, we played with energy and this gave our creative boys time to weave their magic.

There wasn’t a bad player out there and there were some highly noticeable players who lifted to their premiership level.

Luai was amazing and some of his plays were at another level but he wasnt alone, Crichton had his best game since last year, Too was on, Leota was menacing, JFH was great, Lenui not only played big but he played big minutes which is great to see, Martin was on and shock horror even Garner had a superior game and i hope he learns to go low when the line is open so he isn’t held up like he was and Yeo was just Yeo, solid, creative and inspiring.

But the backs were also on song and that Turuva really impressed last night and he is either a great fighter or is just mad but he showed heart for a man of his size i haven’t seen for a while and he kept charging at them in offence!
Cleary found his touch, Tago was awesome and Edwards again proved why in my mind he is the best FB in the comp and wouldn’t swap him for anyone.

Great coaching effort to get the boys up for last night and oddly they get the wet off for the bye which may help us and importantly Cleary if he has any ankle issues from last night. I hope its nothing and he recovers because we need him to continue our assault.

It appears the players realised what was needed and we knew it wasnt a major fix, they just needed to wake up and boy did they wake up last night

Congrats to the boys, a fabulous result and effort.


Every aspect of our game that was singled out last week was on song last night.

Credit where credit is due - Critta played a great game and seems to have sorted his head out. Garner ran some nice angled lines and played with venom. And albeit thanks to a HIA, we seemed to use Kenny and Luke more effectively.

But the biggest improvement is how we played as a team.

A very rewarding win against likely top 4 opponent.

No one had a bad game and everyone gave their all.


I used to call this guys father “The Great NRL conspiracy theorist”. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

EDIT: Now he’s removing any comment I make that he doesn’t agree with.

First time I’ve watched the whole game this year. Thought we were good everywhere and the score flattered Souths. Will be interesting to hear what Anusly has to say about Souths 2nd try - off the ground or what. Made the last few minutes more exciting than I would like. Why Cleary didn’t try for a field goal towards the end baffled me.


Agree 100%. At 16-4 up, I was screaming at the TV to take the field goal & put the game out of reach.
Reynolds did that to us last week & showed what a pro he is.

We won the game, but not killing Souths off early was poor game management, imho. Hopefully, it’s one of the lessons we take out of the game.

Having said that, it was a dominant performance, full of aggro & purpose, especially in defence. The whole side lifted their game, so good to see.

Credit to the Rabbits, though. Most other teams would have been steamrolled. They hung in right to the end. They’re a good side, so putting on a clinic against them & being able to dominate them is a really good sign.


The bunnies are certainly one of the the good teams, and always show up against us.

But that said we have their measure


Does it seem to anyone else, that the only time Latrell gets involved is when he thinks there’s a big play on?

For all the hype about him, he doesn’t seem to get too involved in the attack, and when he does it’s either going himself or passing to Walker.

Edwards numbers are all over his pretty much every week too, yet we hardly hear about how good Edwards is.


I honestly couldn’t cope going 2 weeks without a win. So really glad we got the W last night. Panther Den was definitely louder than last week too!


How good was the Garner improvement in his 2nd game with us, he had some big contact too, both attack and defense. Looking forward to seeing his continued progression.

I cannot stand Cody Walker, the biggest grub in the game. He attacks the head at every opportunity.


A highlight was definitely him tripping over and dropping the ball, whilst attempting to be a grub towards Mitch Kenny. You just know Kenny would have given walker an absolute serve as well!


Walker was lucky he decided against getting the punch on with Kenny. Mitch would have knocked his lights out.

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