New Stadium Announced for Penrith

Question: Given we are playing out of Commbank stadium, what is the share system for training? Do we get the field for the week of ‘our’ home game, do we get only a Captains run…How does it work?

Surely, we are not training in the riff every session and just going there for the game, are we?

yes, not sure how the Captain’s run works with the ‘shared’ EventsNSW stadia. It would seem a bit of a pain to train at the Academy all week & then make a one-off trip to Parramatta for final run, rather than just across the road.
Not sure what slimies may have been doing - they train at Kellyville. Anyway, we don’t want to do what they do :slight_smile:

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What’s latest update with Penrith Stadium. Has there been date when demolishing will start on the Western Grandstand.

From what I can see the current work is largely focused on completion of the Sydney water works, and internal stripping of the stands.

I also notice small pieces like advertising signage is gradually being removed.

They are probably constrained for site access for large demolition plant until the Sydney water works are complete (as the construction site takes up most of the training field)

To my understanding the Sydney Water work will need to be completed before any serious demolition work can begin.

I think some minor demolition works are taking place for the time being (removing seating, signage removal, gutting interior spaces etc.)

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I note that GA at Parramatta Stadium only includes the southern grandstand and not the northern grandstand. When watching Wanderers games I normally sit in the northern grandstand. Is there a reason that the northern grandstand is not available for membership or regular GA tickets?

Probably because we have many more season ticket holders ? Either that or the northern end is reserved for away Fans GA?

Ok, are we scheduled on time Penrith Stadium with planning taking in place.

John Holland has been appointed to build the new stadium.


Big JayDog Adventures has posted a follow up video from the initial flyby in November 2024.

Looks like the Sydney Water works is moving on at a rapid pace. Don’t think it won’t be too long before demolition works starts at the stadium.

YOUTUBE VIDEO (Courtesy of Big JayDog Adventures)

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