R11 Warriors v Panthers - Game Day Thread

May out Alamoti in (May didnā€™t travel and is currently in ā€œfacilitiesā€ in high st Penrith.

Sorensen in for Mav on the bench (at this stage).

Tolelau somewhat likely to play (presume replacing Peach or Cole) - isnā€™t playing in NSW cup and has been added to extended bench.

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Deadset have had enough of Taylan. How many chances is he going to get. Let him have his day in court then tear up his contract and send him packing. Donā€™t need this shit at our club (or in general).


I agree Steve, in my mind if found guilty that is 3 strikes and heā€™s out;

  1. Sunshine Coast bar violence / assault
  2. uploaded to social media a speeding car he was in
  3. These latest charges

We donā€™t need this in our club


what a shame a person overshadows the entire team.
not a surname which has fared well at the club.


Cole is not a 7 nor is Luai

its a contrived half combination which will not work IMO

Luai has no fluency and his recent games he has gone back to this ā€œjumping jackā€ action.

A genuine 7 controls a game.

Cole is NOT a 7 and Luai is NOT a 7

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Agree with SHF, SBF & Steve. Taylan Mayā€™s had his 3 strikes. I hope the club cuts him. I want a team where I can be proud of ALL the men in it.


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m thinking Toelau will come into half, Luai to 5/8, and Cole to the bench replacing Peachey.

Time will tell

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Toleau didnā€™t play NSW cup yesterday. Not sure why. Hopefully not another injury.

I love this team, this club and have done so for many years. But I wonā€™t follow scum, so if this is proven he needs to go or I will.

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Not sure if a number of strikes comes into it. A ā€˜strikeā€™ of an offence as alleged in this latest case is enough to have a contract cancelled if proven. The Sunshine Coast incident was more of a pest getting pretty much what he deserved from my understanding.

Above all we need to think of the victim in this matter.

No winners in all this.

trouble with the May matter we are forgetting about talking about the game, we are talking about the dill which is my point.
Anyway about today, we will be facing a Warriors side who will essentially be playing for their season.

They are 14th on 7 points with the leading team on 20 and the team running 8th on 12 points
They are 5 points or circa 3 wins adrift of 8th.
Trouble for them is plenty ahead of them and they need all the teams ahead of them to start losing games.

This demonstrates their predicament and whilst its only Round 10 their season hinges on today imo.
They have the added issue of Johnson out as do we with Cleary, so they will see this as a ā€œchanceā€ for them to get a win.

We will need to be ā€œonā€ as they will really have a go.

Our new halves combination will be tested but only if our forwards are not controlling the game and to be honest our forwards have only been ok this year.

Conditions look perfect for todays game, i expect to win but hope the ā€œMayā€ matter hasnā€™t distracted our boys.

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well we got what we deserved and that should be Peachys last game in the firsts.
we didnā€™t lose the game because of him but his defensive effort was crap.
but he wasnt alone, we were trash and got beat by a side who not only were decimated before the game ,they lost Egan during the game and if he had of played he would have cut us apart.

nothing to take out of that game at all except it shows how much we depend of Cleary and how much of a flaw that is, but again our forwards were average.

just on Peachy, if he is the best we have to come off the bench we have bigger problems then i believe we have.

was Alamotti injured???

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:mega: Panther Pride Man of the Match voting is now open here.

I am pretty gutted by that game.

Aside from Kenny I am not sure who to give points to.

It was never going to be pretty, but we let ourselves down by errors, poor discipline, poor game management, and lack of leadership.

Why oh why did we decide to take that kick at the end from 35 metres out, 2 mins to play when we had the complete ascendancy.

Despite errors, the game was there for the taking and we all but threw it away.

I agree with SBF regarding Peach - what a lacklustre defensive error.

Oh well, not the end of the world, but we need to be better next week, with hopefully a couple of changes.


100% agree. I was disappointed when we extended his contract he wanted to go play with his brotherā€™s should have let him go

Was fairly distracted throughout the game, so some criticism might be unwarrantedā€¦

But wow that didnā€™t look great.

Poor handling, we were 8/12 at one point and felt like poor discipline just inviting the warriors down the field.

Luai received lots of praise from Cooper cronk about being ā€œup for the challengeā€. I donā€™t want to criticise him too much, I thought he tried hard and played well, but a halfback (today) he ainā€™t.

Both Cole and Luai donā€™t have a strong kicking game with limited variety. Up high, end over end. No torps, no floaters, no touch finders, no distance. Lacked the control and kicking game of a true half.

Where was Edwards? Was that a quiet game by his measure or was I too distracted? At one point in the second half I thought he wasnā€™t even on the field

Peachyā€¦ Why was Laurie dropped from the utility?

Why was Moses on the bench?

Hopefully a wake up call for the season, particularly the discipline and errors


Agree with your summary. Also disappointed with Cleary in the post game presser. Just made us look like bad losers not classy at allā€¦completely shown up by Yeo who was as usual exemplary in his attitude.


IMO opinion we played like it was a game we were just going to winā€¦never the case


Iā€™m not a fan of the post game pressers. The coaches & players donā€™t have time to go over the game & review how things went. They are being asked questions that they often have no real answer to.

Iā€™d prefer to see them do interviews the day after to give them time to dissect everything & get a better look at what happened.

we look like a tired team and a key player like Edwards who has been our best for almost every game looks like he is just stuffed physically and mentally.
Its part of the coaches enormous challenge in keeping a team up for something they have already achieved and one couldnā€™t blame them to drop intensity because they already have achieved what many can only dream of.

we have had issues like player departures which have hurt badly and the odd distraction like the May issue and being without our #1 and the games #1 playmaker in Cleary.

add into this mix some ref calls which are just not aligned to any reality like the Yeo sin binning yesterday. That was a foul no more or less.Warriors had players playing the ball square to the sideline which went un noticed plus many other poor calls by all refs.

But these are the knowns not only to us but to Coach Cleary.

He along with the players also has to reset and keep himself invested in outcomes.

I have often mentioned on this forum about comparing ourselves to Storm who are the modern champions of not only winning but reinventing, losing key people and being constantly good and competitive.

Look at them yesterday, without their #1 and #7 and losing their #6 they wiped the floor with the Eels because others stood up and took ownership.

we were missing 2 players yesterday and got out enthused by a team an armchair coach like myself knew would have a red hot go.

Our discipline, ball security, effort and game plan were terrible. Not only that but i believe our coach failed us by playing Peachy over Laurie along with some odd calls with starting Leota off the bench amongst others.

Not one of kickers found grass, not one of them found a 40/20, not a single variation in a bomb.

But i believe you donā€™t just lose being good, we just seem to be missing the will to be good.

We seem to be fit and going for the 80 but we look lost especially in attack and yesterday at times in defence.

If we have these issues because we are missing Cleary suggests we have monster problems and i donā€™t prescribe to this theory.

I believe we have the sum of parts, its just we arenā€™t working as a whole.

And at this level and in this comp you donā€™t get long to sort it out as we play Sharks next who on our form yesterday will lap us.

They are the knowns, what we donā€™t know of course is what Coach Cleary is doing to fix and stop the team from slipping too badly.

He has always been reluctant to change and change too much so i donā€™t expect any substantive changes except i prey Peachy is back in the reserves.

I think Luai and Cole were awful but we have to continue until Schneider is right to go.

which leaves who do you have on the bench and we need someone with pace on the bench who can use their speed to create breaks.

We have to start with JFH and Moses with Smith and Eisenhuth on the bench with the last spot to Henry if he is fit.

Thats possibly the easy, then its up to the Coach.

Maybe give the boys time off training to freshen up or even train harder but the coach knows how the players respond.

Its not beyond getting us right but imo it is a huge challenge.

We have a lot going on which adds more of a dimension in JFH and Luai going plus the May and Fifita matter.

Coach Cleary has it in front of him for sure as do the team.

I believe we can but the players have to believe.