R5 Sea Eagles v Panthers - Game Day Thread

:mega: Teams and Match Officials have been updated.

We have named a very very strong side for this game with an emphasis on forward power on the bench which lets us all know where this will be won or lost.

Sea Eagles were terrible last week and terrible is probably a kind word and its how they react to that effort which will show where they sit in the comp so early in the year.

We will throw a lot more then St George did but we will need to execute a lot better then last week.

Schneider looked OK but expect a little more confidence from him this week and we again look to have too many options in attack and our defensive structure held up well.

JFH in a welcome return gives us the power up front with Leota to really bend them in offence.

I am not over confident but as long as we can execute our attack a little better i expect we should get the lollies.

The only question will be which Manly side turns up?


Wet weather would look to even out the contest, especially at Brookvale which in days gone by was a bog when there had been no rain???
Traditional thinking would suggest a low scoring contest but the games last night didn’t fit that pattern.

We should win, just need to ice a few more opportunities - our defence should limit them to maybe 12 points, so that should be good enough to get the 2 points and move into the bye.

C’mon boys!!!

When you watch a game of football you just want a fair game…i have just seen the biggest fraud of all time with the Manly knock on try.

and i must be getting old but i am watching Fox and i think this caller, Ginnane must be in love with every Manly players, why cat the callers be unbiased?

anyways our problems remain with our execution and at times we seem lost in our finishing.

Last work on this ref, he should be reffing under 8s somewhere next week.

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Just want to see some nice hard running here. We stopped doing this when Schneider kicked on Play 2. Been catching our breaths ever since.

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that play is what i am talking about. If they came off manly are on their heels but it was 2nd tackle.

i think the worst thing for Manly was half time. Cleary can get them in the shed and reset their heads.

I expect Laurie to be introduced early and believe we need Moses back on straight after half time.

we need to seize the momentum from them.

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Started reasonably, but went away from our game as the half wore on.

I’m sure I’m not the only person here who has serious questions over the last try. If not a knock ob, how about Tago being impeded as he started to chase?

Hopefully Ivan can get their heads screwed on & we can get back into the game.

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I get the feeling this game is being managed to produce an outcome.

Hopefully the second half will prove me wrong


well this is now embarrassing and what i had feared has shown its ugly face today and boy are there some questions here.

why was Yeo on the bench after half time?

why was JFH replaced by Laurie?

has Turuva signed with someone or is he having a sook?

Too looks like he wants a vacation
our forwards have been outplayed and outmuscled

and lastly our attacking options have been non existent.

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A few uncharacteristic errors and a few unlucky bounces kept the game out of reach.


Very disappointing in the end.

One good note was how great Dylan played.

I thought both our centres got brought back to earth this week.


:mega: Panther Pride Man of the Match voting is now open here.

:rugby_football: Knock On Effect NSW Cup | Full Time

40px Penrith Panthers 26 Tries Jordan Grant, Mavrik Geyer, David Fale, Ativalu Lisati, Paul Alamoti.
Goals Paul Alamoti (3/5)
40px Blacktown Workers Sea Eagles 20 Tries Watson Heleta, Brad Parker, Clayton Faulalo.
Goals Brandon Wakeham (4/4)


We never really looked to be in that game. A lot of lateral movement, the ball rarely found its way to the wings.

It was probably the worst effort I had seen Penrith put in for some time, you could have sworn that they thought the bye was this week.

Towards the end of the game the guys looked dead on their feet.

With the benefit of the bye next week, I hope they spend some time reflecting on that game and how badly it went for them.


There were many elements to consider in that performance :-

That has to be the worst no-knock on decision for some time. For as long as I can remember, a dropped ball in only called backwards if it was clearly so. The NRL must either confess that it was an error at a vital time in the game, or advise one and all that the knock-on rule has now had a major recalibration.

Our ball handling was poor, and the intercepts killed us. Was that due to the passer playing a dangerous game, or were the receivers too flat (or were Manly just waiting in our line)? They’ve got 2 weeks to figure that out.

Are we finally starting to see the result of years of having the salary cap gradually degrading our potency?

Was this an indication that, while a mobile forward pack is a great asset, our forwards were found wanting in the face of giants? And would we have fared worse in the Brisbane game if Haas had played?

The bounce of the ball didn’t help our cause.

This was pre-ordained by someone (the NRL or a higher power) to be Cherry-Evans’ day, and nothing was going to change that.

Manly were specials to be a whole lot better than last week, and would be up for the fight, especially at Brookvale. We should have expected that but, as others have noted here, certain players seemed to be just going through the motions. One plus is that we probably won’t have many players missing in SOO.

And maybe Turuva found out, like Charlie Staines, that it’s easy to look good and score tries on the end of a functioning, quality back line; he might look a little less talented, more ordinary, in a red V.


I think it’s as simple as running and tackling harder than the opponents. A couple of times Daine Laurie bent the line, and those create chances. It seemed like Fish was still nursing his shoulder, probably his worst game in a long while too.

Positive signs were Edwards, and Laurie when he finally stopped defending at lock and ended up at 6. I know our rotation got messed up because of injury, but there were 2-3 manly tries that happened because manly props were running at Laurie defending in the middle.

Even though Penrith weren’t at their best, I actually don’t think the boys needed to be too much better to win - the first 15 minutes of the game showed this. We just fell away, and failed to start really going after the game when needed


Any game is won or lost in the forwards and our forwards yesterday were terrible, all of them.
So much so Yeo was benched.
Thats not saying they were tat much better but we were just impotent. The Henry injury didn’t help with our rotation but i did note Brown seemed to be a magnet and not one of our blokes could put a hit on him.
Garner went up many times to “hurt” someone but grabbed thin air.

But we do have bigger problems and these are magnified when we cannot impose ourselves in the forwards.

Edwards tried his best to carry the team and he at times was hitting up through the forwards, but is clear he cannot do it all although plenty in our team yesterday were onlookers instead of heavy lifters.

Of course all of this should be viewed in the contact we played a committed team in Manly who subject to injury i suspect will be in the GF. They are a good team with plenty of attacking options and as yesterday showed willing forwards.

The concern i take out of yesterday was that was our best team save for Cleary and Sorenson and we had our pants pulled down.

And i would view this as our worst game in 3 years, not so much for the effort but for the result.

I cannot recall the last time anyone put 30 on us, which suggest our defence simply failed.

we have for so long watched our system work in defence, but yesterday it was a shambles.

I think this would trouble Cleary the coach more.

Luckily we have a week off to reset but there are a few who will need a good hard look at themselves about what the season means to them.

The season is a long way from gone and has been touched on here the last few games we have looked drained…Roosters nearly ran us down and Manly could have put a bigger score on us but didn’t, but we were gassed.

Not sure how a single week helps this but we need easier wins.

I guess its how we respond to adversity which is what i am looking for but we need plenty to change.

If we are relying on Nathan to be the agent of change we are masking a bigger problem.

I hope they enjoy the bye and do really have a broader honest discussion about where we are at and where we want to be.


Aug 24 2023 - Slimies 32-18. We won our next 4 to take the title.

Not our night, but I’m not writing the boys off

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Last year we were a bit shaky for the first 10 weeks. After we got it together, we only lost 2 more all season - one during SOO, the other when Luai was injured early. I think we just need to give them time.

The poor performance can also be attributed to a few issues on the field as well.

  • Liam Henry failed HIA.
  • Jarome Luai knee complaint, withdrew from the field.
  • Liam Martin played through broken harm.
  • Luke Garner remained on field, playing through injuries.
  • Taylan May remained on field, playing through injuries.
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