Rugby League memes


You have to admire their optimism

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I have no sympathy for Gamble. How was Wighton supposed to react, with Gamble trying to force his forearm down Wighton’s throat? The last time I checked in the mirror, one’s mouth is above the neck, so why wasn’t Gamble charged with a high tackle? There is also the uncertainty of whether the teeth imprint on Gamble’s forearm was due to bite pressure from Wighton of from the pressure exerted by Gamble as he tried to asphyxiate Wighton.

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I have no sympathy for Wighton. Gamble wasn’t charged because the tackle wasn’t high, his arm slipped up as Wighton went to the ground. As for the teeth imprint, I’ll assume Wighton had his mouth open because of the high cardio nature the game & he needed to breathe. But if that meant Gamble’s forearm went into Wighton’s mouth, did Wighton really have to bite it? Or, to quote Henry Rollins, “If somebody comes up to you with a big handful of shit, that doesn’t mean you have to take it.”

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Article from Hoops (take that as you will) is arguing the “bite” mark is all forearm into mouth pressure and not Wighton biting down. To FaulcoPete’s point - Hoops was basically saying take both your forearms and bite one, then with the second forcefully push your arm in and compare the two marks. You should see a very different pattern.

The glimpse I saw of the mark did look very top teeth (mouthguard) only, which would suggest it’s more Gamble forcefully shoving his arm in Wighton’s mouth, rather than Wighton actually biting down (which would be an even or perhaps more bottom toothed.


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