[2022] R23 Rabbitohs v Panthers - Game Day Thread

Updated Team List

Panthers coach Ivan Cleary has updated his squad for Thursday nightā€™s match against South Sydney Rabbitohs at Accor Stadium.

Fullback Dylan Edwards (sternum) and winger Taylan May (shoulder) return to the side after missing last weekā€™s clash against the Storm, while Liam Martin (ankle) has been cleared of any injury concern.

However, Panthers interchange forward āœš Scott Sorensen has been ruled out of the Round 23 clash with a minor calf complaint, with Jā€™maine Hopgood taking his position.

Sunia Turuva will be the sideā€™s 18th man, while Chris Smith remains in the 19-man squad.

I think Staines would be named to cover for Edwards and May who are returning from injury. If there is any concern they can be pulled from the field and have Staines step in. There is no need to risk players, they are in the box seat to finish in first on the ladder.

We are trying to offload him, the more ā€œAir timeā€ he gets, the better the opportunity to have someone see his potential worth to THEIR club.

Unfortunately, being hooked by the coach nullifies the argument :rofl:

Yes thatā€™s the answer but Why not have Turuva or Tom Jenkins filling the bench spotā€¦Stephen Crichton could slot into full back if need be. I think Staines is one of those players who is too good for NSW cup but not really up to NRL levelā€¦Robert Jennings falls into that category also. Anyways itā€™s not that important is it? We are in a great position with three games to go and all the missing players on schedule to return for the finals. Go the PanthersšŸ˜

Curious - I mentioned Falls a cpl weeks ago, still wonder why heā€™s not in the side? SOS + Falls went through Origin period successfully. This would look a lot more potent side, leaving Salmon on the bench to provide his value as a ball running utility and provide cover for the back line if required. Surely heā€™d be right to slot into centre (like Burton?) with Crichton to Fullback if there was a shuffle needed?

Keeping Falls in NSW Cup doesnā€™t bode well (to me) for contract renewal.

Falls I believe is still not 100% coming back from injury - but that said I do agree it would seem better to have him in our halves.

While Iā€™m not confident, I am somewhat warming to the underdog status - reminds me of being a panther fan lol.

Edwards back will hopefully fix up our defence. I think the question for us though is where our points will come from.

On the upside, we will enter week one of the finals with a pretty fresh team.

Makes sense if heā€™s partly injured, figured being named and playing he was OK.

Api on the bench in an interesting twist

Yes, just saw that Kenny is starting

Crighton should be happy I am not coach, he would be benched for that defensive stuff up

The score us probably a good reflection at half time. We had all the fire early, before Souths worked their way back in.

The main concern I have is that they have made plenty of line breaks by going to our edges. If we donā€™t fix our edge defence we could find ourselves letting in a large score in the second half.

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Couldnā€™t agree more dunno who Falls has upsetā€¦I thought he did well during SOO

I know I am a broken record but Crighton is costing us this game

Nail biter, but got the job done in the end. A good team effort.


I was wondering how theres constantly space outside our wing and why centres keep coming in. On one of the last trys there, SOS looked sluggish in defence and doesnt slide well. Kiks had to sprint around to make up for it and drew Tago in.

Api looks like our most potent attacking player

Some good signs though with the pack really stepping up at times and controlling the game.

Spencer played huge tonight which was great to see.

I bet N Cleary is kicking himself, he could have had a field day the last two games



:mega: Panther Pride Man of the Match voting is now open here.

:rugby_football: Knock On Effect NSW Cup | Full Time

Penrith Panthers 24 Tries Christian Crichton (2), Jack Cole, Isaiah Iongi.
Goals Kurt Falls (4/4)
South Sydney Rabbitohs 24 Tries Jake Tago, Maila Chan-Foon, Peter Mamouzelos, Dean Hawkins.
Goals Blake Taaffe (4/4)


I think we can finally put to bed the argument about Souffs winning the GF last year if Latrell had played.

We have won 8 of our last 9 against Souffs, guess who didnā€™t play the 1 time they beat us?

Meanwhile they couldnā€™t beat us with him in, and with us missing Cleary, Luai, Fisher-Harris & Sorenson!!!


Edwards, Edwards, Edwards
There is a lot to take out of that game but in my mind Edwards is the best FB in the game and his appearance last night was the difference.

he marshals players in defence and is always around the ball in attack.

he is quite a remarkable player

he wasnā€™t alone again and he needed some helpers last night and i have been a huge critic of Kenny but last night he was at his best, nothing brilliant as Api can bring but he was guiling and bruising in defence

and just on our defence, we attacked with our defence again and despite missing JFH and Sorenson our forwards made them look like second graders ably led by Yeo and a Martin who confounds with his robustness and his workload.

we had some glitches and some things we can fix but for mine it was a game we could have walked away with a lack of intent and ended up being lapped or turn up and have a dig.

they chose the latter and boy did they have a dig and great credit to all the boys

we didnā€™t just fall over the line to win the minor premiership, we took it and deserved it.

Congrats boys on all levels, you deserved last night and you all deserve the Minor Premiership.

I job done and 1 job to be done

Now enjoy what is ahead.


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