Season 2020 Discussion - What would you change?

Despite the scoreline, Storm were far from impressive against us in Bathurst this year. Hopefully with a better off season we can pounce next year.

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Like the news that Barrett is back as assistant Coach. He will make a real difference particularly with our young halves, Plus he would have some good memories and experiences from his previous tenure.

The Manly club didn’t think much of him did they?

and lets not pin our hopes on Barrett…there are plenty in the club who need to lift on what they did this year and even in todays news they cited Maloney having more try assists then Cleary in 2019

Our problems are quite immense…our defence was awful and we couldn’t score

On the bright side, i guess they cannot get any worse.

Like a couple others, i am keen to see how we go the first 3 or 4 games.

SBF - Some people are just better at being an assistant. I put Carty in this exact group, he is an awesome no.2.

When I say this I mean no disrespect to the individuals, but the pressure of being up front, answering to the media etc etc can take it’s toll. In league, the number 2 is essentially the number 1 from a player / game perspective without all the crap.

I believe this is Barrett’s calling card as well, leave the frustrations to the chief and just get on with doing what you do best.

As I said, I’m happy with it…but I was happy with Hook in charge too lol


Perhaps not without good reason. I think that he actually did little to enhance his reputation during his time at Manly. He came across as a whining underachiever, complaining about lack of money, training facilities, even that he didn’t have a desk!! He was give the flick & then Hasler came in and with the same resources turned the club from a joke into a reasonable team.
I know the Gould had a high opinion of him as a coach, but we know what that’s worth.

Anyway, we have a young halves group and let’s hope that Barrett can do the job in bringing them on.

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lets just hope we give him a desk and all will be good in the world!

I see Lattrell Mitchell is in NQ talking to Cowboys…why aren’t we having a chat with him???

The kid is a high quality player if you can get the best out of him…and gees we have had some big names at our joint over the years who haven’t exactly paid us back well, not saying he could or would but we should chat to him.

I’d prefer not SBF, you can’t have individuals or agendas in team sport if your looking for success. He is 100% about Latrell.

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kid is a SOO player and won 2 comps…nah we shouldn’t have anyone like him at our joint

we just keep drinking the koolaid of the 5 year plan not to mention we had 1 certain individual at our club who had his own agenda and he wasn’t even on the field and he made sure we wouldn’t win a comp!

We need a world class centre…happy for you to throw up any other centre options to look at.

Never said buy him…i said we shouldn’t exclude ourselves to at least have a look.

Mitchell reminds me of Jamal Idris, a star coming thru the underage groups that was bigger & stronger & more talented than the others, and so did it easy. Always treated as special, everything done for him etc and so & missed out on real life aspects of growing up. Worked for a while in the limelight and then sort of wandered off into, I don’t know where. Hope someone can get in Mitchells ear. I thought Robinson was maybe the bloke to guide him, but the love seems to have been lost now???

not sure he is in the Idris ilk but your post has made me think about the …lets just say the …not so good who have been paid a fortune for coming to our club and we got ZIP.

goes back to the Ashurst days and goes on from there…anyone remember Bob the Bear Oreilly…gees i used to see him come into the Top Pub after training and getting on it.

We sure have an honor roll of absolute shockers coming to Panthers

One day we should compile a list of the losers we have bought yet funniest thing is i do recall a bloke named chippy Mortimer who had a fair bit in shaping a kid called Fittler and he turned out a great buy.

Steve…is it possible to have a list of “best” / “worst” buys at Panthers.

Maybe we should run a poll of votes for who was the worst…might keep the diehards occupied during summer.

Maybe.just maybe any of the current buy ins will try and avoid the list…nah i think Whare is on the list and he aint the worst IMO

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Remember him well. In those days, when I was much younger, I could gain access to the after-match event held at the old club. I clearly remember him, his face as red as a coke can, with a full schooner in each hand when the server brought out the tray of pies. He was totally flummoxed, not knowing what to do, as he didn’t have 3 hands. The light globe lit up - he skulled one of the schooners, somehow got rid of the glass, grabbed a pie, gulped it down in maybe 3 bites, took a large sip of the remaining beer, and called the server back for a second pie as they had moved on to maybe only 1 or 2 other people in that time. I have no idea how many pies and how many schooners he had that night.
Another story was of him working for SP bookie Bob Moses at the Colyton pub on a Saturday afternoon. He would have a huge bunch or 20’s bulging out of the pocket of his polo shirt, and of course I never saw him without a schooner in his hand.
To be fair to Bob, he was at the tail end of his career when he came to us, and was nothing like his best by then.

I don’t think we need a world class centre, I believe we would be wiser spending $$ on quality in vital positions. We will probably play a 1 game veteran at 5/8 based on 1 performance. Not saying he won’t work but geez a big gamble. Luai is not the answer either. Fullback, although I love Edwards as a player (all heart) is not a match winner from the back, then we have lost what we thought was quality up front with an ageing forward, our back row whilst ‘solid’ are not the best on offer either.

Million dollar centre - no thanks

I used to smash schooners at the top pub late 80’s / 90’s SBF, more a Peachtree local even though the Top was only 2 streets away.

It appears a few changes have been made.
Scrum, option to pack laterally in front of the black dot
Less time for trainers on the field - that is a good one, but easy for someone to drop to a knee every set.
1 referee challenge per game

For mine, a minor fix for the scrum would be the bloke that feeds it must receive it, that way the lock has to stay connected.


Feb 22nd against Tigers
Feb 29th against Featherweenies (Parra)

Both at home 7pm - woo hoo

Awesome, your shout. :sunglasses:


I’d change the date of the 2nd trial game to be 29/2 Steve :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s also now at Bega !

Ooops. Pre-Season slip up. :sweat_smile: It would seem it’s just not to players who are a bit rusty early in the year.

Glad to see the game moved to Bega, but a bit sad too. Due to prior commitments I found I wasn’t going to make the Tigers game, but I thought that it’s okay as Parra would be there the week after. Then they announced the game being moved to Bega.

I can’t complain, it’s for a good cause, and I will try to get out ther for it, but work is a bit hectic right now, and I’m not sure how it will go.

Will be there front and centre come Round 1 though :grin:

I look forward to that trial every year, not able to get to Bega however. Do we know if it will be telecast at all?

Hey Steamboat,
I see in the paper we’re only
going to have 3 captains this year.
2 are forwards the other, only half a chance !!!