Are the Eels not as good as media have them?

Probably will get some cheap rates to Bali. First team to go on holidays.

Maybe they can all get together and talk about how they pumped Penrith (most likely the premiers too :wink:).

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They can carry on all they want about beating us twice in the regular season. Didn’t help them when it mattered last year, and helped them even less this year.


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eeeeeewwwwww get that picture of our platform :face_vomiting:

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#13 has an appropriate name

I think he came off at half time.

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It was a tad premature.


Perhaps he brought himself off; maybe for his own ‘head’ injury assessment.

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Did he come off voluntarily or did the coach pull him off?

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Reminds me of the Alan Jones/Balmain joke back in the day, “Alan Jones had to pull Roach and Jack off at half time…”.

. . . . and Roach is still smiling. Is that the technique he used to get the Wallabies to rise to the occasion? And did Roach play loose head or tight head?