New Stadium Announced for Penrith

It’s going to be interesting the design of the stadium. What other space will be around the stadium. With government have already announced its going to multi purpose stadium I believe it’s must used during the offseason from October to February. It will be interesting what other code will use space in that time. I also heard the stadium will be cutting capacity down from 30000 to 27000

I believe the quote of the stadium being 30,000 was in the very early stages. I believe they are looking at a design similar to that of TQL Stadium in Cincinnati OH. which holds approximately 26,000 seats.

With multi purpose stadium built at its new site it won’t have the Family hill & South hill. This will remove a bit of history and legacy for the families and visitors watching the game.

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If Penrith Stadium capacity drops down to 27000 there would only be 4500 extra seats compare to the current stadium. I would prefer stadium to have 30000 capacity that would be extra 7500 seats


I am feeling less confident about the stadium happening each day.

The current government have until 2nd March to procure the showground site - anything else is just election postering.

Post election should a procurement of the showground site not have occurred, whoever forms (likely minority) government will be unlikely to push ahead with a new build unless its already committed to (by 3 March).

Plan B would be a reduced funding spend on the current stadium.

I obviously want this to play out positive, but i am seeing nothing but smoke and mirrors by the day.

It seems that Labor candidate Karen McKewon had expressed support for the stadium plan. Making the stadium less of an election issue, as the stadium is likely to be built regardless of who takes state government in late March.

The only political opposition is from a few independents and the One Nations candiate Belinda McWilliams who is firmly against moving the stadium to the grounds of the Paceway.

So unless there is a unlikely event of a hung state parliament, I would say it’s a reasonably safe bet the stadium will be built on the paceway.

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I do hope you’re right Steve, and I know of both Karen McKeown and Stuart Ayres support of the proposal.

However if as local member they don’t have sway over the cabinet room, all is for naught.

I read in the weekender some time ago (around Xmas) this was all about the land being sold to developers for high rise apartments. It is essentially a slanging metch in local parliment…All Agenda driven !!

We will see who’s money talks hey !

I hope the new Penrith stadium has protected roof for the spectators during wet and windy game days. At the world club challenge I felt more people would of turned out if roof covers were protected.

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Good point, and I am sure this is part of the scope.

I thought the same as I was huddled under the awning at the southern end. At least in the first half it was the most sheltered spot in the ground.

Couldn’t get to the bar though thanks to the 2000 odd Saints fans who camped in front of it. :rofl:

What’s latest news with Labour government regarding with the development of Penrith Stadium. Chris Minns hasn’t raised anything yet regarding the future project for the Penrith Community.

You won’t be hearing much on the stadium front for some time @Panthers01.

Chris Minns had made it clear that his priority is Health and Education (of which is the platform of which he ran his campaign), and all suburban ground upgrades (including Penrith Stadium) are essentially on hold pending a review.

“I’d love to do that, but when you consider there’s $200 billion of debt in NSW and we’ve got urgent responsibilities for schools and hospitals, they’ve got to be our priority that’s why we were elected on Saturday,” he told the Today Show.

“My message to the people of NSW is that’s got to be the priority for the incoming government.

“I’m happy to sit down with sporting codes of every persuasion in the coming days and weeks but I can’t leave people with the wrong conclusion, we need to turn around the results in public education and public hospitals.”

Chris Minns on Today Show
Sourced from Sky News Article

So Parramatta fans will finally have a good team to watch… :slight_smile:

Just a thought - would it be possible to build the new stadium on the training paddock next to the existing stadium? Or even in the on the cricket ground? It may be a bit cramped, but would keep us playing at Penrith. :thinking:

The state budget is due to be handed down 19th September.

That will be the do or die date we will know if we are still going to get a new or rebuilt stadium.

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It has been mentioned few days ago funding to build new stadium will remain but Penrith will play at Paramatta stadium 2025 & 2026