2023 Panthers Contract Thread

Jaeman Salmon ⮕ Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs (2025)*

* Starting Season 2024

Dylan Edwards ⮕ Signed to 2028

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Best news ever :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Only 3 players left without a contract in 2024, Tom Jenkins, Eddie Blacker, and Chris Smith.

there was a whisper that Milky is off to knights

Our Fullback and Backbone.

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Our defensive captain
Our man on the spot in attack
The leagues no1 ball runner
The leagues best fullback by a country mile.
One of the leagues best defensive players regardless of position.
A quiet introspective guy but very vocal in games.
Came to us as a kid, developed through our systems.
Forced mr fancy pants Moylen to move on.
Unlike his predecessor isn’t afraid of the hard stuff or tackling.
Seen off many a challenger for his position, non of which have impressed at fullback with other clubs…
In my mind he is now our best fullback of all time (sorry Wesser, Dan and Coote).
Will be remembered as one of the greatest of all time.


I sincerely hope we can keep Luai as well, but if we have to lose one like some media outlets are claiming, I’m glad we locked up Edwards.


Paul Alamoti ⮕ Signed to 2024 (New Signing)
Brad Schneider ⮕ Signed to 2025 (New Signing)

:mega: This thread is now locked as a new thread has been created for the 2024 season.