Rumoured Player Movements

I’m not really disappointed in us not signing Fifita. I wasn’t convinced it was a good option for us, but would have gone with what our club went with, as it is a long time since we made a bad recruitment decision.


looks like i was correct on both counts.

Now i am saying here and now the fact we even spoke to this player raises super red flags to me about us and what Cleary et al must be seeing which is not obvious to us.

More broadly the continued exodus of players is proving to be a monster issue and how it is resolved is a conundrum.

we can look back and say the what ifs but we need to be pragmatic and deal with what happens but this highlights what we must be the best at…that is to maintain that supply line of talent.

Clearly we have hit a roadblock and talking to a player like Fifita who has shown his true colours has shown our own problems.

And please if anyone at our club mentions going after Crichton from the Roosters they should be sacked!!!

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I think it is fair to say that Fifita was never coming here; probably used us to sweeten the offer from the roosters. Not sorry though; keep the juniors coming.


Not overly concerned with this. I’m still not sold on him. I see him as another Latrell Mitchell - more hype than substance.

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Is it concerning that he opted for a lower offer at the roosters?

We never know for sure what we offered him, nor the Roorters.

Media speculation about player contracts is just that, often played up by player managers.

I’m not worried at missing out on him for sure.

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A lower offer on paper. They also signed his wife/partner probably on big coin as a way around the salary cap.


Mutley’s next meme, Fafita wearing the Roosters Sombrero


Fifita’s done a Cherry-Evans in reverse.

Even happier now that we didn’t sign him!


sort of shows the character of the guy.

me personally i would have loved to see the Titans say…sorry bud you said you were out and you are out.

Then i woke up…LOL

This is the trouble in “buying” a player rather then bringing a kid through the programme, especially a big head like Fifita on a $1m a year.

We dodged it but shouldn’t have even been a consideration IMO.


The problem is that we are in a lack of experienced forwards. I believe that Lindsay Smith and Liam Henry are the future of the Panthers forwards. But they lack the experience of Fisher-Harris and Leota. If one was to move into Fish’s jersey (I’d probably say Lindsay) Leota will need to ate up into that role.


Don’t forget our mate Eisenhuth who has taken on a more senior role up front. As long as his efforts are there and his mistakes are minimal, I am comfortable with him as our 4th Prop.

Moses (IMO) is our leader up front anyway.


I would be making Alamoti a priority signing. He is 20 years old and eager to impress, with the right coaching he could be something special.

With Turuva moving on (as well as May most likely now) I would be looking to signing Alamoti and promoting McLean.

I’d be locking him for a 4 year contract ASAP


I am not so sure about that and would urge caution.
I like Alamotti but one swallow doesn’t make a summer and i don’t think we have seen enough from him to make an all out play for him.

Sure try to secure him but i would lie to tie his dollars and contract to a performance based deal.

He openly admits he saw Panthers as a last chance, if he sees us as this, we are entitled to view him as just that.

Perform and continue to perform and we will embrace you.We as a club have to be careful of who we bring into the club, we need people who embrace our district, our people and our culture.

I hadn’t heard that he saw Panthers as a last chance, and I find it hard to believe. He’s 20 years old & just starting out. When did he say that & why?


It seems that Stefano Utoikamanu has informed the West Tigers he will be departing at seasons end. I know Penrith had been talking with his management. I will be interesting to see what develops.

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What’s the story with Brian To’o?

Don’t like hearing rumours about players, there’s often something behind them.

From what I can gather, a fake article about a certain Penrith player was looking to join his friend at the Wests Tigers. The media picked up on it and spread the false story.

The Panthers CEO Matt Cameron has confirmed there is nothing to the story and the Panthers have no intention on releasing Brian To’o of which is contracted till 2027.

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Apparently The Mole’s X account was hacked & a post made. The media ran with it, even after he posted that he was hacked.

I did see that. interesting.

Danny appears to be doubling down on the story though - update today is Ayoub was catching up with Panthers mgmt to discuss his future:

NRL News 2024 | Penrith Panthers shop Brian To’o to rival clubs, Shane Richardson comments (

Also rumours Blaize Talagi could be headed our way.